A short story about love

A short story about love

My friend Deb left me a voicemail. 

Deb’s college-aged daughter, Sam, was sad.

Sam's roommate, Morgan, had just lost her dad.

(l to r: Morgan, MC, KatBart and Sam) 

Sam and her friends wanted to let Morgan know how much they cared about her and didn’t know exactly how to do that.

“Will you mail Sam a copy of your Gift of a Memory book?” Deb asked me on voicemail.  

I mailed Sam my book.

And Sam, a typical teen who loves Instagram and SnapChat, carried the book around and asked people write notes to Morgan.  

And they did.  Things like,

“Remember I am always a text or phone call away.”


“I love you so much.”


“I know how much your dad is proud of you.”

Sam gave Morgan the book and Morgan cried buckets of tears.

Tears from missing her dad.  Tears from being loved through the loss. 

The Heart of the Matter: Loss happens, giving us a chance to love. 

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